The Juggler' is about a social circus in South Africa. The Sisonke social circus wants to stimulate integration by making children move together in circus practice. They use of different exercises to build trust across community lines. With the film, I try to show how children from Isi!Xosa, English and Afrikaans communities in the Stellenbosch area experience the practice of social circus; how social circus tries to help the children to challenge the barriers and walls that are part of the South African landscape, and therefore of the children. I try to show how walls are a manifestation of this shared landscape; how the children embody, become aware of and challenge the walls by moving together.
14/05/2019 NPO 2 Extra
03/03/2020 NPO 2 Extra
11/07/2022 NPO 2 Extra

16/06/2019 Ethnographic Film Festival Vizantrop - Belgrade, Serbia
10/06/2019 NAFA Film Festival - Joensuu, Finland
01/12/2019 Ethnofest, Athens Ethnographic Film Festival - Athens, Greece
05/2020 FIFEQ Festival International du Film Ethnographique du Québec - Québec, Canada
2019 Irish Journal of Anthropology, Volume 22(1): 63-71. 

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